Mindful Support

Mindful Support

Mindful YOLO offers compassionate support as a birth and end of life doula.  Birth and end-of-life doulas are non medical professionals offering emotional, spiritual, informational and practical support during child birth and the dying process. 

Dying is not an act you can easily undertake yourself. If being born amid those who will love you is the first best hope of life, dying within a beloved community is the last.

Birth Doula

A  birth doula is a non-medically trained professional who supports, educates, advocates, coaches, and nurtures the parents-to-be throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey. Please read more about birth doulas at evidence based birth. Mindful YOLO offers birth doula support when available and documentary maternity, birth and newborn photography services. 

End of Life Doula

End of Life Doulas enrich the dying experience for patients, family members and friends, while strengthening the relationship between medical (doctors, nurses, social workers) and non medical support (the family or caretakers).  Mindful YOLO offers assistance and guidance with holistic services to individuals and their families during this transformative life change.  Like a birth doula, the end of life doula is a source of emotional, spiritual, informational and practical support focusing on the personal needs of the dying and the family.

"I birth my baby in waves. Each one rolling closer to the shore, closer to me". 

"I am open to forgiveness and to my love flowing boundlessly in me.

I find the inner resources to be able to let go of my body.

I find the inner resources to let go of my emotions and my mind.

Death is not my enemy. Death is a doorway of continuing life.

My life is changing and I am open to my death.

I accept things as they are and I am free of fear."