Mindful Yoga

Mindful Yoga

Mindful YOLO offers a variety of slow paced, relaxing and nourishing mindful yoga classes. Keep scrolling for descriptions.

The Chinese character for mindfulness is translated to mean “presence of heart.” Jon Kabat-Zinn explains that mindfulness is about “living your life as if it really mattered, moment by moment by moment by moment,” rather than worrying about the past or planning for the future. In doing so, practitioners have experienced benefits that include stress reduction, a more focused mind, and a sense of relaxation and calmness.

Gentle Yoga

Gentle yoga is a nurturing, soft, slower-paced and relaxing practice. Gentle yoga helps release tension and stress, increase strength, flexibility, balance and mental clarity while calming the nervous system and restoring an overall sense of balance to the body, the mind and the soul.

Yin Yoga

Yin yoga is an introspective practice that offers a chance to turn inward and nurture the calm, quiet center that is innate in all of us. It is a practice in stillness, patience, and non-reactivity. Through yin yoga we hold passive poses for a period of time to gently lengthen the muscles, revitalize the connective tissues, find balance, release stress, sit with our emotions and practice resiliency. We become better listeners with practice tuning in; we become wiser as we get to know ourselves from the inside out.

Yoga Nidra/Guided Meditation

Yoga nidra is form of guided meditation usually practiced lying down also known as “yogic sleep” or “effortless relaxation”. The practice draws our attention inwards, and we learn to surf between the states of wakefulness and sleep, where our body finds its natural state of equilibrium– the breath balances and becomes quiet, and Yoga Nidra takes us effortlessly into a state of harmony and rest. From here, we can be healed, restored and awakened.

Chair Yoga

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that can be done sitting on a chair or standing on the ground while using the chair for support. It is beneficial for everyone including students with limited mobility, new to yoga or confined to a desk at work. Chair Yoga can improve strength, mobility, flexibility, and coordination. It is a great class to connect with others and oneself while relieving pain, improving posture and body awareness, keeping circulation flowing and reducing stress.

Restorative Yoga

In a restorative yoga practice, the focus is not on stretching or strengthening but on releasing tension held in the muscles and gently stimulate the organs through long-held poses designed to support and comfort. To achieve comfort a variety of props such as blankets, blocks, bolster and eye pillows may be used. Restorative yoga allows one to relearn the art of relaxation while developing the skills and abilities to self-soothe. It enhances our healing capacity through helping us regulate the stress response and re-balance the nervous system. It can also reduce the production of stress hormones, improve the function of the immune system, reduce muscle tension and help with insomnia. Restorative yoga practice values slowing down and creating space to notice thoughts and sensations in a mindful way.

Kids Mindful Yoga

Yoga and Mindfulness for Kids is a fun way for younger ones to move and groove in a non competitive environment. Kids Yoga increases children’s body awareness and mindfulness while teaching self-acceptance, boosting children’s self-esteem, improving focus and memory and instilling calming techniques.