
"I’ve been fortunate to take Katie’s classes both at the gym (Pre Covid) and also virtual. Regardless of the setting, she has given more than 100%. Her bubbly, enthusiastic personality, in addition to being in tune to needs of the students, make the classes fun. Attending Katie’s classes enabled me to achieve an “AHA” moment . Her emphasis on listening to your body, doing whatever feels right for your body, and doing what your body needs at that time, made me realize that I didn’t have to do what others did or do it as well as they did. Her classes gave me insight, awareness and acceptance of what my body could do. She taught me how to be present in what my body needs and its made a world of difference in how I view some exercise and movement; I don’t dread doing them because I listen to my body and move accordingly. I enjoy exercising, look forward to her classes and feel fortunate to have Katie as an instructor." -Brenda Grooms (Cycle, TRX, Yoga, Online Strength)

"What I like about Katie’s class is her gentleness and caring for her students always checking to see that we’re not getting hurt, always very conscious. She exudes love for nature which she incorporates into the classes. We start with an affirmation with which she guides us thru various stretches and exercises. Each set of movements starts with raising our arms above our heads and lowering to our heart center in form of prayer, gratitude. In the one hour of class time she manages to engage the muscles in our entire body while calming our minds and lifting our spirits." Delfina Redfield (Independent & Assisted Living Senior Mindful Movement Class)

"I wanted to let you know what an excellent job Katie did teaching classes for the last month from Hawaii. The classes are always excellent but Katie went above and beyond. When she led our exercise from Hawaii she made the extra effort to include us in her excursions to the beach, to Pearl Harbor, to a Buddhist pagoda, to a coffee farm and to botanical gardens. We got to exercise, breathe with the waves, inhale the flowers, and to share her travel adventures as well. Back in Yolo county, Katie continues to take us to beautiful places to exercise and practice mindfulness in rose gardens, olive farms, vineyards and parks. We look forward to moving mindfully and virtually visiting a variety of places. Many thanks from our Carlton exercisers." - Donna Skinner (Assisted Living Senior Mindful Movement Class)

"I've been practicing yoga with Katie for a few months now and have come to appreciate her responsiveness (even as we're practicing remotely!), attentiveness, and knowledge as an instructor. She tailors each practice to our needs and gives us lots of options for poses--from beginning to advanced, gentle and soothing to challenging--so everyone truly gets the practice they need at that moment in time. And I learn something new with each class--a different variation, a new pose, an inspiring thought. I feel fortunate to be able to practice with her doing this crazy, unpredictable, stressful time because our time together on the mat is truly a balm for me; engaging but calming, challenging but soothing." - Zoey Heyer-Gray (Online Yoga)

"Katie, Your word for December for our exercise class was 'present' in both senses of the word. You gave us a present of showing us some beautiful places in Hawaii the last month from which you conducted our class, e.g. a temple, botanical garden, the north shore; this was a lovely gift to us in 'Covid lockdown' here in Davis. Your appreciation for being fully present in each of these locations added to the special present your gave us. Thank you!" - Nan Rowan (Independent & Assisted Living Senior Mindful Movement Class)

Katie is a wonderful caring person and not boring!! She also takes time to check in to see how we are all doing. I find that so loving because so many of us are isolated from our loved ones . She always has a smile on her face, laughs often and is all around a happy person. Thank you for choosing her!"- Bob Redfield (Independent & Assisted Living Senior Mindful Movement Class)

"Katie is such a gifted yoga instructor. She is incredibly intuitive and equally positive, able to tap into what you need and how to help you get it. I found her instruction to be very clear over Zoom. She came up with a bespoke practice for me that felt connected and peaceful, while also challenging me to meet my edge. Katie’s effervescent energy is contagious. Her class was an amazing experience and I highly recommend it!" - Dr. Debbie Ribera (Online Yoga)

"I am so glad I finally gave yoga a try. Katie's classes have brought me peace and joy. Remind me to slow down a bit and take care of myself physically and mentally. I appreciate Katie for having such a welcoming and comfortable environment. Where I am able to find my peace. This is my weekly sanctuary from the stress daily life can bring." - Margarita Preciado (Online & Yoga in the Park)

"Katie’s yoga classes are amazing! After a long day, coming to her class is the most relaxing time. It helps with my mental well-being and brings me a sense of calmness while also working on my flexibility and strength. Her affirmations truly help me throughout the day and week as well. Overall, I am always ready for a fun yoga class with Katie where I can practice mindfulness."- Cindy Flores Vidrio (Yoga in the Park)

"Thank you Katie for helping us stay connected during Covid-19. Your class helps me connect with myself, with others, and with the beauty of the world which you bring to our daily zoom mindful movement classes. You are THE best Yoga, exercise instructor that I have had in 20 yrs. You have shared your amazing love of family, nature, life, body and soul. You have been an angel in my recovery from 3 yrs of traumatic experiences. I look forward to attending class daily and look forward to the monthly themes where we have practiced the art of affirmation, self compassion, observation, nourishment and being present. I am thankful" - Joy Daugherty (Independent and Assisted Living Senior Mindful Movement Class)